
O3DE Core SIG - Meeting resources

Meeting notes from the O3DE Meetings.

General Resources

Open 3D Engine Special Interest Group for Core Systems (SIG Core)

This repository holds materials for the Open 3D Engine Foundation Special Interest Group for Core Systems (SIG-Core).

Description of SIG Core

We manage the Core Systems needed by O3DE and its libraries to fulfill the engines requirements. The SIG primarily owns low-level systems such as memory management, application startup and file input/output. See the SIG’s charter for full details.

What the SIG does:

How do I get involved?

Who can attend or participate?

O3DE cannot work without the help and input from as many of its community members as possible. You do not need anyone’s permission to get involved and contribute to the project. The #sig-core channel on O3DE Discord is a great place to begin getting involved. Many of our community members regularly share ideas, updates, and resources there. You can also find a number of topics under the GitHub Discussions area which need your input.

Helpful information

Some of this guide was influenced by the SIG-Network Readme. Thanks to the contributors there.