
O3DE SIG Features Editing tool

Update form here: Feature State Form

Please use this tool to create, update, and produce the release feature list.

Each column has a tooltip to explain its usage, finer details are explained below.


  1. Go to the form: Feature State Form
  2. Select the SIG from the dropdown at the top
  3. Click on the pulldown or add/update text to updated feature
  4. Click Download JSON button at the top
  5. Submit a PR with the downloaded JSON to this repo (folder is here:

Live feature form will self update in 5 minutes once PR has been merged.

To produce a release report, click on the “Create Release Markdown”, then enter the Release version, and it will download a compiled markdown file (sample here)

The SIG pulldown is loaded from here:

You can select the SIG and it will populate the page. Alternatively, you can also choose a JSON file from your local drive, but it must match the proper format.

From there, you can create new subsystems and rows as well as download the JSON when you are done.

when you make changes and want to save it in github, you can create a pull request from the community repo against the files listed above. Once accepted and merges, your changes should appear on the page in about 5-10 minutes.

The results of these files will be used as formatted tabled that will serve as artifacts in the release builds so that developers that want to use the engine can easily see the maturity of the features and subsystems of the engine.

If you have suggestions or want to work on the code, let someone know or reach out to me OBWANDO (Royal OBrien) on github or Discord.

Subsystems should be larger categories like “Multiplayer, Core Networking, Cloud Services” or “Lighting, Render Hardware Interface, Shaders”

Rows should be more specific to the feature that fits under that subsystem. Like “DirectX 12, Vulkan, Metal under Lighting subsystem”

Table Columns:

Module: this is the name of the feature module

Feature: This is the production state of the feature

Unscheduled: The feature has not been scheduled, it is something that is wanted, but thats about it.
Deprecated: Feature has been deprecated and slated to go away (accompanied with some indication of replacement)deprecated
Backlogged: Feature has been moved to the backlog
Planned: Feature is actively being planned and/or in design phase.
Active: Feature is actively in development
Complete: Feature is production complete

Content: The state of the content necessary for feature usage

Not required: Content is not required for this feature
Incompatible: Content exists, but is incompatible with current feature.
Minimal: Minimal content is available, but may hinder feature usability
Partial: Partial content is available, but does not hinder feature usability
Complete: All content is complete for full feature usability

Functional: The state of the functionality of the feature as defined by documentation.

None: There is no defined documentation for the functionality of this feature.
Deprecated: The feature has been deprecated and slated to go away (accompanied with some indication of replacement)
In-Design:  Feature functionality is actively being planned and/or in design phase.
Minimal: Feature meets minimal functional requirements
Partial: Feature has greater than minimal functionality
Complete: Feature has complete as defined in documentation.

Code/API: The state of the code operation and its API

Unproven: Code/API working but has had insufficient use to really harden any corner cases or identify potential pathological issues
Deprecated: Code or API is slated to go away (accompanied with some indication of what the system will be replaced by)
Experimental: Code is unstable or API is likely to change
Volatile: Code works, but may crash or API is fixed, but may possibly change
Stable: Code/API is actively used without any serious impediments and has no immediate upgrades planned.

Performance: The performance state of the feature

Untested: Feature is untested and may be unstable.
Needs Testing: Feature requires testing to determine stability
Needs Optimization: Feature does not crash and is stable and but needs optimizations
Optimized: Feature is stable, does not crash and is optimized for use

Platform: The platforms that are supported by this feature.

You can select multiple platforms from the pulldown

Notes: Notes realted to this entry which may change from time to time.